That was a suprising but heartwarming end!! Really highlights what kink means to me. its about having fun when you want to! and sometimes its about snuggling your partner
I got stuck after the first two at the pool, couldn't work out anything besides riding the guy & mistress thinking that'd work (does in real life to loosen it up lol). Then that didn't work I ran through the house looking every where I could think. And the whole time I kept passing the handrail, lmao :D
i loved the physicality of riding the toys/weiners, the way your movement would slow down to work past the thicker parts of each shape.. super hot concept and brain genius execution
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How to get past the 3.78in.
Only get as far as Raleigh.
Use Banister/Railing (hallway)
This was cuter than I expected!
That was a suprising but heartwarming end!! Really highlights what kink means to me. its about having fun when you want to! and sometimes its about snuggling your partner
hehe this was a neat game, i need to get myself friends like that
I wish I could call 4 friends to fuck my ass into oblivion with their huge dong too
they're so sweet :') also the character designs are so adorable
HOW this game can be soo CUTE!
WTF Bodoque en un juego H
This game is stupid and I loved it. Very cute and wholesome
wholesome? you think this is wholesome?
Where do you think we are?
yeah... im shy though idk...
10/10 ngl!!
unexpectantly wholesome, 10/10
If only I could work out how to quit without alt tabbing to windows and force closing the game?? Or do only Paid supporters get that game feature??
it got it for free i dont know whats wrong with your version... im shy though so idk
Funny cute adorable 🤩
this game is amazingly adorable, needs a sequel, love it!
Very cute n lighthearted game! Made my heart happy
(The moment the boyfriend showed up I couldn't wipe the smile off my face - his smile got to me!)
So cute 🥰
imgah nievjk g a stoejnl hjakelp mea
the more i scroll down it looks like ppl are having seizures while typing well some comments are
this happened to my best friend nick mullen
i've heard of "ring fit adventure," but this is ridiculous
Omg! This game is so cute!
es bueno pero muy corto
This is one of the most innovative “point and click” adventure games and I mean it.
hi nick mullen, i'm a huge fan of your work dude it means a lot that you're here
brooo i dont know how to get the stuff inside T~T.
that was surprisingly...wholesome
I need it on Android
That was so wholesome T.T 10/10
Here was my order of the whole game
- Buttplug (Bed)
- Jelly Dildo (Nightstand)
- Door knob (Door)
Grab phonebook located in drawer of hallway
Go to phone and click it
Go outside
- Pecan
- Raleigh
Go inside
- Banister/Railing (hallway)
Go back outside
- Cyprus
- Beezlebub
Go inside to hallway
Uncover carpet
Go into Trap door
- Torture horse
Go back outside
- Beezlebub
Ending :)
ty u chris u r great
no problem lmao, i saw peopl getting confused and thought i'd help
How do you reveal the butt plug?

stuck at 3.15 D: what do
nvm figured it out
queria al novio como boss final :c
(ign ore-how-broken -m'y-keyboard-is)
the-cutest-n sfw-gam'e-ive-seen -in -a-while!!!-the-artstyle-is-so-sim'ple-an d-n ice-an d-the-m'echan ics-are-fun -too:3
(commenting after months of replays)
This is one of the custest, silliest nsfw games i have ever played, and i vcant recommend it enough :D would love to see other stuff like this
Thank you for the kind words!! I'm really happy you've gotten so much enjoyment from the game <3
im stuck at 3.78 inch. what do i use next? i got past raleing but i cant do cyprus. i cant find anything else to use :(
There's an anal plug-shaped handrail topper at the start of the stairs. Have you tried that one yet?
I got stuck after the first two at the pool, couldn't work out anything besides riding the guy & mistress thinking that'd work (does in real life to loosen it up lol). Then that didn't work I ran through the house looking every where I could think. And the whole time I kept passing the handrail, lmao :D
i loved the physicality of riding the toys/weiners, the way your movement would slow down to work past the thicker parts of each shape.. super hot concept and brain genius execution
so charming
The ending was surprisingly wholesome. I love this
3.78 is just asgdygasudgasuguy but rlly good game so far (I can't get past this part)
me to
If you're still having trouble, try the banister
wwhere do i find that?