Hello, could you give me a hint on how you scripted the reactive stretching, I would appreciate it a lot and would not mind contributing back. Thank you!
SPOLER WARNING plug, dildo, door handle, hit up the friends on the phone, some where in between do the staircase and after you've done all of them its over (or smt like that)
This game was a really nice short experience. The gameplay is simple and also grips my brain by how nice it feels to make the guy take in more things in his butt. Like the weight and pace is so good as he gets more wide and finally taking in the bigger objects/dicks is satisfying.
The ending is just also so wholesome and nice because yeah! He didn't feel up to it and it still feels nice because it wasn't really about the sex and more wanting to do something nice for the boyfriend. This was a really nice game :)
Interesting that all the males were pussies except for the demon, who then became a pussy. Then the simp boyfriend shows up, lol. But the two chicks are of course energetic, forceful and in control.
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Gostei muito, aprendi horrores, agora sei sentar, joguei com amigos, recomendo. 😯🍆🕳
outro brasileiro que jogou??!!!! impossível.
Yeah, virou meu hobby jogar jogos assim... com amigos...
so what do you do after your done with all the "friends
when last time this game update?
Hello, could you give me a hint on how you scripted the reactive stretching, I would appreciate it a lot and would not mind contributing back. Thank you!
very wholesome ending 10/10
Wow, that so much fun and very clear mechanics!)
can someone tell me what is next after the staircase railling
SPOLER WARNING plug, dildo, door handle, hit up the friends on the phone, some where in between do the staircase and after you've done all of them its over (or smt like that)
This game was a really nice short experience. The gameplay is simple and also grips my brain by how nice it feels to make the guy take in more things in his butt. Like the weight and pace is so good as he gets more wide and finally taking in the bigger objects/dicks is satisfying.
The ending is just also so wholesome and nice because yeah! He didn't feel up to it and it still feels nice because it wasn't really about the sex and more wanting to do something nice for the boyfriend. This was a really nice game :)
Interesting that all the males were pussies except for the demon, who then became a pussy. Then the simp boyfriend shows up, lol. But the two chicks are of course energetic, forceful and in control.
i cant figure out what it is for passing 3.78 inches anyone know?
staircase railing
its so hot UWU
That's make me so horny, ı can't believe that
BODOQUE! what are you doing here?!?!
Make a part 2 where you need to make even BIGGER hole because ur boyfriend got his toy bigger...
He's gonna have a tiny dick isn't he
im stuck at shark boy helppppp
end of stair case
We can all agree that this is top tier content right?
This was so cute!!!
very fun and hot game,
and i love the ending!!!
what a fun (but short) adventure, would love to see more of it
petition for a part 2 next strawberry jam sign up sheet:
we need part 2
isnt this kind of legal cheating? we have sex with the friends and then at the end the boyfriend doesn't even fuck us
it seems some people enjoy ntr, huh..
there's a lot ntr games on the itch.io... I don't get why cuckolding is so popular nowadays...
Kinda obvious it's an open relationship
if you get lost after getting past 2 of the 4 dudes outside, try the staircase railing.
why was it lowkey cute would love to see more
Plsssss make android ver
spent ALL that time stretching out just for sully from monsters inc. NOT to blow my back out?!
Spoiler alert bro
Did... did i just have a fever dream
wooooahhh hwoooooohj yeyaaaaahhh owoooohhh
right after i call in the bois
im stuck
speedrun time: 1:51,93
how i got 2:14
i got 1:23
not gonna lie amazing plot and when part 2?
желательно с большими гранями! как у самсунга
Samsung CS-29K5WTQ
Дабавьте туда телевизор!
speed run mode when?
I'll do it.
is this a gay game or hetero
obviously gay? he's stretching his ass out for his boyfriend
quite hetero actually !
i believe the character is genderless, so if anything i'd say this is a queer game
I'd like if you press "I'm a minor" it send you to Youtube kids
i do everything to 7.14 in then what like i even bondage where do i go now???
Put Beelzebub's balls in. (pool)
Oh thx
one minute and fifteen seconds. i urge the reader to beat my time.
one minute fourteen seconds suck it!!!
one minute 13 seconds!
im fucked
Is their gonna be a apk version